Chicken Recipes From Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe hard chicken stew (huku yechibhoyi)
Zimbabwe hard chicken stew (huku yechibhoyi) from

Introduction to Zimbabwean Cuisine

Zimbabwean cuisine is a collection of different dishes, often influenced by the culture and traditions of the country. Dishes are usually made with locally grown ingredients such as maize, rice, vegetables, and meats. Zimbabwean cuisine is known for its use of spices, herbs, and other ingredients to create flavorful dishes. It is also known for its use of traditional cooking methods, such as roasting, boiling, and steaming.

Ingredients Used in Zimbabwean Cooking

The ingredients commonly used in Zimbabwean cooking include maize, rice, vegetables, and meats. Maize is a staple in Zimbabwean cuisine and is used to make dishes such as sadza, which is a traditional porridge made with maize meal. Rice is also widely used in Zimbabwean cuisine and is often cooked with vegetables, spices, and meats to make dishes like pilau. Vegetables are also commonly used in Zimbabwean cooking, such as squash, pumpkin, okra, and beans. Meats such as beef, chicken, and goat are also used in Zimbabwean cooking.

Traditional Zimbabwean Dishes

One of the most popular traditional dishes in Zimbabwe is sadza, which is a porridge made with maize meal. Other popular dishes include the stew called nyama, which is made with beef or chicken and vegetables, and the stew called muboora, which is made with vegetables and ground peanuts. A popular side dish in Zimbabwean cuisine is matemba, which is a relish made with boiled beans. Chomolia is another popular dish made with green vegetables and groundnuts.

Chicken Recipes from Zimbabwe

Chicken is one of the most popular meats in Zimbabwean cuisine, and there are many delicious recipes that use chicken. One popular recipe is Chicken and Peanut Stew, which is made with chicken, tomatoes, onions, garlic, chili peppers, and ground peanuts. This stew is often served with sadza or rice. Another popular dish is Chicken and Peas, which is made with chicken, onions, garlic, green peas, and spices. It is usually served with sadza or rice. A third popular chicken dish is Chicken Curry, which is made with chicken, onions, garlic, curry powder, and other spices. This dish is usually served with rice.


Zimbabwean cuisine is a collection of flavorful dishes that are often influenced by the culture and traditions of the country. Common ingredients used in Zimbabwean cooking include maize, rice, vegetables, and meats. Popular dishes include sadza, nyama, muboora, matemba, and chomolia. Chicken is also a popular ingredient in Zimbabwean cooking, and there are many delicious recipes that use chicken, such as Chicken and Peanut Stew, Chicken and Peas, and Chicken Curry.

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