Tasty Keto Recipe: Shredded Chicken

Tasty Keto Recipe: Shredded Chicken

Tasty Keto Recipe: Shredded Chicken
Keto Shredded Buffalo Chicken

When it comes to keto recipes, shredded chicken is one of the most popular, and for good reason. Not only does it provide an abundant source of protein, but it also is low in carbohydrates, making it an ideal choice for those on a keto diet. Not to mention, it’s easy to prepare and can be used in a variety of dishes. In this article, we’ll discuss what makes shredded chicken a great keto recipe and provide step-by-step instructions on how to make it.

What Makes Shredded Chicken a Perfect Keto Recipe?

When it comes to keto recipes, the most important factor is the macronutrient content. Specifically, the ratio of carbohydrates to fat and protein. Shredded chicken fits the bill perfectly, as it is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. For example, a 3-ounce serving of shredded chicken contains just 0.8 grams of carbohydrates and 25.4 grams of protein. This makes it an ideal food for those on a keto diet and looking for a quick, protein-packed meal.

In addition to its macronutrient content, shredded chicken is also a great choice because it’s incredibly versatile. It can be used in a variety of dishes, ranging from salads and soups to tacos and casseroles. Plus, it’s easy to make and can be cooked in a variety of ways, such as baking, grilling, and slow-cooking. So if you’re looking for a keto-friendly protein that won’t leave you feeling bored, shredded chicken may be just what you’re looking for.

How to Make Perfect Shredded Chicken

Making perfect shredded chicken is actually quite simple. All you need is chicken, salt, and pepper. First, preheat your oven to 425°F. Then, season chicken with salt and pepper and place in a baking dish. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Once cooked, let the chicken cool and then shred it using two forks.

Making perfect shredded chicken is a simple yet versatile cooking skill that can be used in various dishes like tacos, salads, sandwiches, wraps, and more. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make perfect shredded chicken:


  • Boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs
  • Salt and pepper
  • Olive oil or cooking spray
  • Chicken broth or water (optional, for poaching)
  • Equipment:
  • Cutting board
  • Sharp knife
  • Large pot or skillet with a lid
  • Forks or tongs
  • Shredding utensils (forks, meat claws, etc.)


  1. Choose Your Chicken:
    • Use boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs for the best results. These cuts cook faster and shred easily.
  2. Season the Chicken:
    • Season the chicken with salt and pepper to taste. You can also add other spices or herbs for extra flavor.
  3. Preheat the Pan:
    • Preheat a large pot or skillet over medium-high heat. Add a small amount of olive oil or use cooking spray to prevent sticking.
  4. Sear the Chicken (Optional):
    • Searing the chicken before cooking can add extra flavor. Brown both sides of the chicken for 1-2 minutes per side.
  5. Poach or Simmer:
    • Add enough chicken broth or water to cover the chicken halfway. Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover with a lid, and simmer until the chicken is cooked through. This typically takes 15-20 minutes for chicken breasts and 20-25 minutes for thighs.
  6. Check for Doneness:
    • Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Chicken should reach at least 165°F (74°C). If you don't have a thermometer, cut the thickest part of the chicken to ensure there is no pink inside.
  7. Shred the Chicken:
    • Once cooked, remove the chicken from the pot and let it rest for a few minutes. Use forks or shredding utensils to pull apart the chicken into thin, shredded pieces.
  8. Save the Cooking Liquid (Optional):
    • If you poached the chicken, you can save the cooking liquid for added moisture and flavor in your dishes.
  9. Serve or Store:
    • Use the shredded chicken immediately in your favorite recipes, or let it cool and store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. You can also freeze it for longer storage.
  10. Use in Various Dishes:
    • Shredded chicken is incredibly versatile. Use it in tacos, salads, sandwiches, wraps, soups, or any recipe that calls for cooked chicken.

By following these steps, you'll be able to make perfect shredded chicken that's juicy, flavorful, and ready to elevate a variety of dishes.

How to Use Shredded Chicken in Keto Recipes

Once you’ve made your shredded chicken, it’s time to start using it in your keto recipes. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Keto Chicken Salad

This easy, yet delicious, keto-friendly dish is perfect for lunch or a light dinner. Start by mixing together shredded chicken, celery, onion, mayonnaise, and dill. Serve over a bed of lettuce or with a side of keto-friendly crackers. For a little extra flavor, you can also add some chopped pickles or shredded cheese.

Here's a simple and delicious Keto Chicken Salad recipe:


  1. 2 cups cooked and shredded chicken (from grilled or poached chicken breasts)
  2. 1/2 cup mayonnaise (preferably sugar-free)
  3. 1 celery stalk, finely chopped
  4. 1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped
  5. 1/4 cup dill pickles, finely chopped
  6. 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  7. 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  8. Salt and pepper to taste
  9. Optional: 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley or cilantro for added freshness


  • Prepare the Chicken:
    • Cook chicken breasts by grilling or poaching. Once cooked, let them cool, and then shred the chicken using forks or shredding utensils.
  • Chop Vegetables:
    • Finely chop celery, red onion, and dill pickles.
  • Make the Dressing:
    • In a bowl, combine mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, fresh lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Mix well to create a smooth dressing.
  • Combine Ingredients:
    • In a large bowl, combine the shredded chicken, chopped celery, red onion, and dill pickles.
  • Add the Dressing:
    • Pour the dressing over the chicken and vegetable mixture. Toss everything together until the chicken is well-coated with the dressing.
  • Adjust Seasoning:
    • Taste the salad and adjust the seasoning if needed. Add more salt, pepper, or lemon juice according to your preference.
  • Optional Fresh Herbs:
    • If you like, add chopped fresh parsley or cilantro for a burst of freshness.
  • Chill (Optional):
    • For enhanced flavor, refrigerate the chicken salad for at least 30 minutes before serving.
  • Serve:
    • Serve the Keto Chicken Salad on a bed of lettuce, in keto-friendly wraps, or as a topping for cucumber slices.
  • Enjoy:
    • Enjoy your delicious Keto Chicken Salad as a satisfying and low-carb meal.

This recipe is not only keto-friendly but also customizable. You can add other keto-approved ingredients like avocado, bacon bits, or grated cheese to suit your taste preferences. It's a perfect option for a quick and healthy keto lunch or dinner.

Tasty Keto Recipe: Shredded Chicken

2. Keto Chicken Soup

This hearty soup is a perfect winter-time meal. Start by sautéing onions, celery, and carrots. Then, add chicken broth, shredded chicken, and seasonings. Simmer for about 20 minutes, and then add any additional vegetables of your choice. Enjoy with a side of keto-friendly bread.

Here's a simple and tasty Keto Chicken Soup recipe:


  1. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  2. 1 onion, diced
  3. 2 celery stalks, diced
  4. 2 carrots, peeled and sliced (Note: Carrots are higher in carbs, so use them sparingly if you want to keep the soup very low-carb)
  5. 3 cloves garlic, minced
  6. 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  7. 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  8. 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  9. Salt and pepper to taste
  10. 4 cups chicken broth (preferably homemade or low-sodium)
  11. 1.5 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs or breasts, cooked and shredded
  12. 1 cup cauliflower florets
  13. 1/2 cup heavy cream
  14. Fresh parsley, chopped, for garnish (optional)


  • Cook the Chicken:
    • If not already cooked, season the chicken with salt and pepper and cook in a separate pan until fully cooked. Shred the chicken using forks or shredding utensils.
  • Saute Vegetables:
    • In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add diced onion, celery, and carrots. Cook until the vegetables are softened, about 5-7 minutes.
  • Add Garlic and Herbs:
    • Add minced garlic, dried thyme, rosemary, and oregano to the pot. Cook for an additional 1-2 minutes until the garlic becomes fragrant.
  • Season:
    • Season the vegetables and herbs with salt and pepper according to your taste.
  • Add Broth:
    • Pour in the chicken broth, scraping the bottom of the pot to release any flavorful bits. Bring the soup to a simmer.
  • Add Chicken and Cauliflower:
    • Add the shredded chicken and cauliflower florets to the pot. Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the cauliflower is tender.
  • Stir in Heavy Cream:
    • Pour in the heavy cream and stir well. Allow the soup to simmer for an additional 5 minutes to heat through.
  • Adjust Seasoning:
    • Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning, adding more salt and pepper if needed.
  • Garnish and Serve:
    • Garnish the soup with chopped fresh parsley if desired. Serve hot and enjoy your Keto Chicken Soup!

This keto-friendly chicken soup is not only low in carbs but also rich and satisfying. Feel free to customize the recipe by adding other keto-friendly vegetables or herbs to suit your preferences. It's a comforting and nutritious option for anyone following a keto diet.

Tasty Keto Recipe: Shredded Chicken

3. Keto Chicken Tacos

These tacos are a great way to use up any leftover shredded chicken. Start by heating a few tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet. Add the shredded chicken and season with taco seasoning. Cook until the chicken is heated through and then serve in keto-friendly taco shells with your favorite toppings.

Here's a delicious Keto Chicken Tacos recipe that uses lettuce wraps instead of traditional tortillas:


For the Chicken:

  1. 1.5 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs or breasts, thinly sliced or shredded
  2. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  3. 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  4. 1 teaspoon chili powder
  5. 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  6. 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  7. Salt and pepper to taste

For the Taco Toppings:

  1. Iceberg or Romaine lettuce leaves (as taco shells)
  2. Avocado slices or guacamole
  3. Sour cream (full fat, if possible)
  4. Shredded cheese (cheddar, Monterey Jack, or your choice)
  5. Salsa (choose a low-carb option)
  6. Fresh cilantro, chopped
  7. Lime wedges for serving


  • Prepare the Chicken:
    • In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add the sliced or shredded chicken.
  • Season the Chicken:
    • Sprinkle cumin, chili powder, paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper over the chicken. Cook until the chicken is fully cooked and has a nice sear, about 8-10 minutes.
  • Assemble Toppings:
    • While the chicken is cooking, prepare the taco toppings. Slice the avocado, chop cilantro, and set aside other toppings.
  • Create Lettuce Wraps:
    • Use large, sturdy lettuce leaves (Iceberg or Romaine work well) as taco shells. Place a generous portion of the seasoned chicken in each lettuce leaf.
  • Add Toppings:
    • Top the chicken with avocado slices or guacamole, sour cream, shredded cheese, salsa, and chopped cilantro.
  • Serve with Lime:
    • Serve the keto chicken tacos with lime wedges on the side for squeezing over the top.
  • Enjoy:
    • Enjoy your Keto Chicken Tacos immediately. You can also customize the toppings based on your preferences.

These keto chicken tacos are a flavorful and low-carb alternative to traditional tacos. The lettuce wraps add a satisfying crunch, and the combination of seasoned chicken and fresh toppings makes for a delicious and satisfying meal.


Shredded chicken is a great keto-friendly recipe that’s easy to make and incredibly versatile. Not only is it high in protein and low in carbohydrates, but it can also be used in a variety of dishes. From salads and soups to tacos and casseroles, there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating delicious, keto-friendly meals with shredded chicken.

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